Our ambition
WISAMO -Wing Sail Mobility- aims at contributing to maritime transport decarbonization, improving the environmental footprint of commercial ships through its innovative wind propulsion solution.
Discover our wind-powered innovation to decarbonize maritime transport
Growth in maritime transport has led the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to impose regulations requiring drastic reductions.
The 2023 IMO revised strategy strengthened levels of ambition to reach net-zero GHG emissions from international shipping “close to” 2050. GHG emissions must be cut at least 20% (striving for 30%) by 2030, and at least 70% by 2040 (vs. 2008).
New players are emerging to develop more climate-friendly wind propulsion solutions and accelerate the decarbonization of sea freight.
WISAMO, a MICHELIN innovation, develops an unic wind-powered solution offering ease-to-use, robustess and performance.

ENGINEERING the sustainable future of shipping
At the forefront of this new industry, WISAMO is engineered around three key features : an inflated fabric wingsail and a telescopic mast, raising and lowering automatically thanks to a digital control system.
UNIC technology
WISAMO is at the forefront of this new industry using the free, clean and inexhaustible energy of the wind to propel ships more sustainably.
The wingsail is a “plug and play” system, for all type of vessel, including new builds (Original Equipment) or existing vessel (Retrofit), with no impact for the crew and reducing their carbon footprint.

Based on 5 criteria, the Solar Impulse label is performed by external independent experts
In July 2023, our WISAMO wingsail is certified as an efficient solution for economic and clean growth with the Solar Impulse Foundation's label. Joining more than +1,000 projects in the world combining profitability and sustainability, WISAMO embodies now a vision of a society committed to a more sustainable world.
The Solar Impulse Efficient Solution label is the only label combining positive-impact companies for environmental protection and financial profitability. It supports WISAMO in its commitment to carbon-free shipping with a simple, effective solution.
WISAMO is supported by the French government for the project France 2030.
Founded in 2018, the Conseil d’Orientation pour la Recherche et l’Innovation des Industriels de la Mer (aka CORIMER) to finance innovative maritime projects.
Discover more on https://corimer.fr/